"I can't wait to knock you both out"
I dared to utter these words in true drunken tough fashion to the
two remaining Complex MoFos Pibb and Dogs. For some reason I enjoy
sitting at the table with Complex Crewers than anyone else (yes Slim
and/or Cooler even you donkeys). I feel more at ease talking trash to
these folks and it being understood as jest than anyone else on tour
(Note: the lack of degenerates is because I don't joke with them about
such things as they wouldn't find it funny). Also I never talk trash to
the first lady as that would be highly unproper, ahem, I hope G is
listening. Anyway to the matter at hand, another gem I dared to utter
"If you knock me out I guarantee you are the toughest guy in town this week."
This line I dared to utter to that notorious unshaven tough guy Dog's Playing Poker. Not only have I never seen him clean shaven but he's so serious at the table that his toughness can't be questioned.
Anyway's, Dogs if you ever call one of my all-ins with an open-ender and catch again I will fight you at the earliest opportunity. Unshaven or not...but let's face it you'll be unshaven...and that's TOUGH AS HELL.
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