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I just vomited

Drud Report

I'm still thinking about the AA vs. A8 suck out. Well, they don't call you Will Call for nothing. Damn you!

Thought you had it, Pick, but once Will Call starts hitting those hands... it's all over. I'll bring your $$$ to next week's game.


That's the most disturbing picture I have ever seen.





That pic is a bit disturbing... looks like a hard-timer who's just had his way with his prison bitches... congrats Will Call... for the rest of the table: that couldn't have been pleasant...

Very fun idea for v-day tourney, J&J...


looks like a hard-timer who's just had his way with his prison bitches...

King that is priceless. Laughing my ass off.


from the pic i get the feeling that someone treated Will like their prison bitch: goodies in exchange for goodies!!!

Congrats DONKEY!!!

Will Call

Pick was the Last Bitch of the evening with my A-K off craking his Pocket Kings. Of course my flush came on the river, again. Had a great time. I got my horsies, I got my Chocolates but most importantlY I got my 7th win.


Mr Booty, you will always be my Bitch. Congrats.


It sure must be some adrenaline rush to get your money in bad every time and suck out. That's the only plausible reasoning I can think of. Maybe sucking out is the equivalent of crack. The more you do it the more you want/need it. We might need to hold an intervention soon if it keeps happening.

At least you didn't get my pony...


I will make you my bitch next week.

Thanks J & J

Drud Report

Will Suck Out. The new name.


I just threw up again

Richie Rich


Drud Report

Dan Harrington's got a new book out. This time he focuses on no-limit cash games:

I can't copy the URL into this text field, but just do a search for "Dan Harrington" on Amazon and see the listing for "How to Play No-Limit Hold 'em Cash Games (Harrington on Cash Games, Vol. 1)"

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