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Count me in. I'll bring chips.


Appropriate since you love to share your chips with everyone every thursday anyway.


I'll bring something good.


I'm in! I would like to come to the bbq too! I will let you know what I am bringing!


Count me in for the BBQ as well, i'll let you know what i'm bringing later.


Oh yeah...I will bring pie


Count me in, my wife Nina will bake cookies and she will join us for the pre game bbq but she will not be playing in the game.


YYYYEEEEESSSSSS I'll be there and will bring chips and cole slaw.


Slim - I wish you were wrong but its only some nights now. Remember last year - Most Likely to Dump and Blow the Chip Lead Award. Marked improvement wouldnt you say?


Ahhhhhh, Smoke Em. Can't wait to drink copious amounts of Miller Lite, eat Slims trademark BBQ chicken and enjoy some good all around toughness. I'll bring some burgers, buns and cheese hoping that the standard condiments can be handled by someone else. After all we'd be pretty piss poor Americans if we didn't have cheeseburgers at a BBQ. Maybe I'll be able to remember the final table this year though that is doubtful. All I remember is Drud flopping a set and then the bitter feeling of falling short before TOC.


Is Fist trying to campaign for "Most Improved Player"??


Silky is in. Bringing a dish of some kind and maybe the lady to come meat(pun intended) the crew.

Shock G

I'm out y'all. The little brother AND the Cubs are both in town, so poker takes an extremely rare third on the priority ladder. Sorry, gang.

However, in my place, I will gladly offer Max up for the Smoke 'Em. Consider him MY gift to YOU. Feel free to slow roast him throughout the day, preferably in rotissiere style over coals. That's when he's at his most delicious. (A ton of BBQ sauce wouldn't hurt either. Bullseye works best I think.)

Good luck to everyone - except Pick obviously. And if I happen to win the Best Collapse by a Points Leader Award or something else like that, feel free to call me and ruin my day with it. No hard feelings. Ha!


Susan and Chad will be there. We will bring something too (I will discuss with her what that will be and get back to you).

Thank you!

Richie Rich

Ynhu and I will be there. I'll probably bring a mango curry chicken salad.


Keith - what a good idea...never thought of it. ;)
Considering some other campaigning Ive seen, this attempt (actually my only one) is feeble at best. Good luck to all!


Count me in, pleaase. If I make it early, I'll bring some potato salad. Thanks.


I'm in, I'll bring chips and salsa. And maybe some leafy green. More importantly, is Mint setting up the mojito bar?

The Cooler

Don't know where else to put this since no info for the game up yet.. but anyone decided on pre-game yet? I cant check my personal email at work and I leave straight from there, so if someone can post it before 4pm on the site that would be great...

also last time at Richie's we went to the Pitcher House which is around the corner and played Shuffleboard, they also have pool and ping pong.. thats most likely where I will go, probably get there about 6. Maybe a bit earlier if anyone wants to join


142 Pacific Coast Hwy, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

Happy Hour is: Everyday 3pm - 7pm
50 cents off all beer and wine
2 for 1 well drinks, (excluding Long Island Iced Tea)
FREE pool until 7pm

Will Call

Wouldnt miss it for the world, World Series of Poker even!


CAn we get directions to Richie Rich's house?


Haven't played in a while but if you have a spot both myself and my friend Xavier would like to come for the tournament at 3. Don't think I can get there early enough for BBQ. thanks...


Yeah it probably won't matter but I'd like to point out that I somehow had points deducted for the Spring Season. I had 21 a week ago...

Major Holsey

Save a spot for me at the final table. I'll bring food to eat.

Most, The

I'm in. I'll bring deviled eggs.

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