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Drudus Pullo

The photo of Shock G kissing Pick is disturbing and once again reminds all of us that this run of Degenerate success needs to be stopped a.s.a.p.

Most, The

no one congratulated you. that's weak. you are the frontrunner for POY! i must offer you sincere congratulations- you played me like a fiddle.


I congratulated him... and the fiddle is easy to play when you have Kings. (not taking anything away from G's play, I just don't think you got outplayed just cold decked)


It's hard to congratulate a guy that gos out of his way to congratulate himself, but well done G. I don't know how you continue to do it but here's to continued WSD success.

Shock G

Damn, I REALLY need a haircut. Yikes. Why doesn't anybody tell me these things?!

Richie Rich

You swung the big stack well, G! Congrats on the W. Sorry about the drink, but maybe it was lucky for you. Ha. This is going to be a fun season...

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