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Richie Rich

It's about time you guys let him win. Now he'll be donating $20 every week like he used to. Look at Jamie...


says the guy who, last week, put his chips in the middle with the nut straight, believing it would hold up. donk.

Richie Rich

I'm a Nialist. All I did was hope...

Shock G

I think I should take it as a compliment I didn't make the "Person you Least Want to Sit Next To" list, since I think we've sat next to each other more often than any two people ever! Or at least we have for the most consecutive weeks ever. Think it ended up being five straight games being sat immediately to your left. Coincidence? I think not.

I was indeed hoping for more fist fucking banter, but oh well, this profile will have to do I guess!


Richie Rich

Aside from Brent's ass, who knows where that fist has been...



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