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I just studied up on the color up procedure in case of a pop quiz. It says that the correct number of replacement chips are to be presented to the table before the cards are distributed. I am not sure that is how its done on 4th Street. But hey, what does Wikipedia know?


They also call it the "little blind" which is not a sanctioned 4SPT term.


That Dogs video is epic.


Which is better the Dog's video or the Drop It Like It's Hot logo? I say it's a tie and the only way to settle it would be to have Dog's fart the DILIH tune with Snoop.

Drudus Pullo

Great article and a good idea for a regular one. And that video of Dog's is indeed epic.


it's gonna be awesome when we get to see my .gif at the top of the page tomorrow...well foreshawdoed.


Link the Amazing Race boys back to the OG 8...go!


Thanks for the suggestion - II-Pod. I'll link the winners of the Amazing Race back to the OG-8 in 3 degrees in next week's post.

Also, I'd like to congratulate second place finisher titALating for his B+ grade on the color up pop quiz.


what grade does titALating get on his ability to put his ante in the pot before somebody reminds him?



Poker Capital

Yes, great explanation !!

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