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High Noon


High Noon

Hold the phone...is The Most really coming?


Am I allowed to come if I didn't donate to you last night? I'll pay my own way just for the stimulating conversation this meeting of the minds is sure to evoke. In addition, I think I'd like to be there when The Most starts his night. I think I'll be tagging along for the rest of the night as well, seeing what kind of idiocy goes on in the life of The Most on a Friday.




well done and well deserved. Your patience is worth watching, I donked off all my chips and you were in only two pots, steady wins the race. congrats again you derserve it.


Justin will literally do anything for free food...

Unfortunately I can't make it but have fun. I'm going to that new spot that used to be Dublins. I'll report back.

the cooler

or what about bowling after?


Hey Slim,

Is it too late to get in on some Roscoe's? Or are you far too tough to allow such shenanigans to occur? Tough...that's what your picture is yelling at me TOUGH!!!


As if you are saying "Hey what are you looking at??? I'm TOUGH!


fantastic #13 Slim, I promise to pay the favor forward next time i win. get ready for free dinner some time in 2008, bitches!!!

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