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Hey Jun what happened? we were one away...


Congrats, John G... whoever you are. BTW, who's the pink bully?

Shock G

Just like I said Al.....14th Place! Damn, I'm a freakin' genius sometimes!!!

If only Max would have gone out 5th instead of 7th, I would have driven straight to Vegas.......Hey wait, I AM getting ready to drive to Vegas! Sweet.

Pick, you're an asshole. Sorry, no reason for it, just had to be done.


I suck...couldn't win a hand at the final table hand then my 77 ran into AA.

John Gordon

I had alot of fun playing with you guys... I know it is hard work to earn a nickname, but I plan on doing my darndest. Thanks Noah (Pink Bully) for getting me an invite.

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