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First Lady

Congratulations Richie Rich! As our first 10 time winner you have two choices. Either you take over full control of the Tour - including carting around all the tables and chairs, arriving early to set up, checking people in, corralling a bunch of degenerates, enforcing rules, staying till the end whether you bust out first or last, updating the website's points, game results, Vault, figuring out where the next game will be hosted, etc.

Or...your wins reset to zero.


If someone lets me win the next 9 games I'll handle the tour grunt work.

Richie, nicely done as usual.


Congrats Rich! i told you my chips would end up in front of you. At least you busted me with a good call and cards.

Drud Report

Luck box!


Nicely done, Rich. 10 times mean I've run out of things to say, but we all know you're good... really good!


It was a sight to behold, I'll be honest...nicely done Richie.

The TOC is going to be a barren wasteland if this continues. Let's spread the wealth, heh?

Richie Rich

Thanks, all. I'd like to thank Dr. Drop It. Had I not heard that he was playing last night, I might not have made it to the game. But the thought of his $20 going to someone else was tilting me, so I had to give my best effort to give that $20 a proper home.

Jenn, I'll take the reset. I guess it works baccarat style here, huh? I went from a natural 9 to a zero. Weak.

Thanks again for the kind words, all.

Richie Rich

(12:52:21) Dr. Drop It: Taking my $20 has forced me to find a coupon for the festival tomorrow
(12:52:29) Dr. Drop It: How does that make you feel?
(12:52:58) Richie Rich: wonderful


i hate you


(very reluctant downtrodden tone with pained expression)Congrats Rich.

Still a bit sick to my stomach about the gut shot on the riv to bust the Aces. But hey, You are Richie fuckin Rich, A.K.A. "The Luck Box." I should have known I had no chance with the best hand. To quote the now famous Shock G., "I never liked you." It was fun time.

Shock G

Sir Pick..........ummmm.........you're not good.


Ten wins. Whew... mighty impressive.

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