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Nice win my man. Looks like there might be something in taking a break after all.


Congrats! i think i should take some time off...


All hail Big Red!

Shock G

I agree Marco, you should DEFINITELY take some time off!! Ha!

E....you're the king!

Richie, pay Jen off.

Max, last place. Very exciting.

Johnny Ballgame, where the hell were you?

Ivan, you owe me some beers.

Mad Dog, love your body.

Cooler, sorry.

Jeremy, who the hell ARE you?

Jun, I've never liked you.


Great job, Mr. Most! I guess I'm not so terrible after all... I've been doing so bad in the tour, that I even lost my nickname! Hopefully I'll finally figure out how to play poker next season... or I can just get lucky like Marco. Well, G, you got it. Congrats for an excellent season! I will bring the beers next time we are both in. Oh, Riche, sorry for leaving without my Pizza Hut trash. I meant to take it with me, but I was feeling like Mike the Mouth when he got out of the main event this year. See y'all next season!


Of course, many thanks once again to Slim and the First Lady for giving me another day of the week to play poker.


Oh yeah, good luck Marco and Jun... may the best man suck out.

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