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Michael Scalzo

Add me in if you have room. Michael Scalzo (I've played before.)

Noah Ruderman

Add in the ark.. thanks


I am Joe's friend . . . add me if you have the room please.


In Vegas for Event #22...stay alert in case I fare better than playing against you ringers. I think I've got a grand total of zero (0) points on the tour this season, so the irony would be thick indeed if I were to make a run.

Dave B

I'm in if there's room... thanks


I wish I could make it to the Shock Palace but I have a dentist appointment this evening and will likely be jacked up on painkillers.


ALternate, Good Luck and make sure you let us know what starting date you have for the main event.

Drud Report

I'm in for tonight. Didn't think I was going to make it, but my night freed up. See you guys there!


if room is available, count me in


Hope you make it far, Al! I'm back from Vegas, and haven't slept in 3 days, so I will need to get my brain back before I play more poker. Good luck everyone, and hope to see you all next week!

I'm probably going to bust out second, after Slim.


after slim busts you in the face

Shock G

Actually, I'm quite positive I'll be busting out first. It's pretty much inevitable.


I'm probably going to win. again. bitches!!!

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