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way to go rich.


Richie... you're in a zone. Well done!


Nice job, Richie Rich.


i suck

Mr Pick

Riatchy Rich: Kudos. You have raised the bar. You are O-fficially TERIFYING!
You scurrr me..............................
Bring it!!!!!!!!!!


I have a feeling the Sandman will be returning to the Tour sooner rather than later to defend his 5 wins and reign on top of the 4SPT.

Rich you may have stirred the sleeping giant.


you know... winning after arriving at the final table with 1/3rd the total chips in play is no great feat. quads are helpful too, but i dont think we are witnessing the creation of any great dynasy. thats not to say that richie is not a great player. he is sure fearsome. but i have to say, last night richie's fear was broadcast with his huge stack and not much else. of course thats just my opinion and i didnt get to see that much of his play, so what do i know?

radish boy

wow- was that last post tongue in cheek or did prefontaine just buy himself a lifetime of check-raises from the white hot richie genius?

First Lady

But how does one arrive at the Final Table with 1/3 of the total chips in play without completely outplaying 1/3 of the players on the way there?

As an eternal shortstacker who is always hoping to get lucky and double-up just to stay alive - I have a tremendous amount of respect for the way RR's been playing as of late. He gets a huge mountain of chips and continues to apply the pressure to innocent victims like myself all night long.


where do i get back in line to kiss richie's ass too?


Rich you have turned up the heat at the table hotter than noon time in the valley. Want to see what your next article has to say about raising you seem to do it often and well. Can't wait till next week to see if the streak continues,and remember, luck is the residue of hard work and the mantra of those who don't. good going


two words...six-deuce...you got off easy with my aces.

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