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Alright enough with the family visits and time off let's play some damn poker.

Big Shuk Like What

Yes, I'm fiending over here.

Chad "2-Trick"

High Noon and 2-Trick are in!

Jennifer "The First Lady"

Refresh my memory - does a pair beat a full house?

Kevin H.

I'm in, back to donating my $20 to the cause.

Vonn Sanndmann

Nothing will keep me away. Please reserve me a seat at the nice, round table.


I'll be there eventhough it's Mom's birthday!

Kid Chico

Winning is everything.


I'm in. Also I'm bringing my neighbor Brent and also my friend who donated last time (Collins) wants to play.


I play in this monthly tournament held by friend, and friend of friends. They are playing on Sunday at 600pm if anyone is interested. It is $60 and last ime had 50 people. If anyone is interested talk to me on Thurs.


I am iN!


yeah, in. i miss having something to make faces about.

The C Mint

With the winter chill, comes the Canadian winter.


I might have to work, so put me down as a definate maybe. If you exceed 24 players, feel free to give my seat away.


I'm also a definite maybe. Will try my best to make it...pretty much what Rich said.


I'm also a definite maybe due to work. If you hit your 24, bump me!

Big Papa

I'm in unless I get stuck at work. I haven't played in a while, so I'm really going to push to make it!!


I left my jacket at the tourney last night. It's a grey sweater jacket that I left on the couch. If someone could bring it next week that would be great or contact my at my email [email protected]


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